Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cello Song

So I am a big fan of Nick Drake.  I also greatly enjoy both the Books and Jose Gonzalez.  So what could be better than those two bands covering a Nick Drake song?  The answer is nothing.

If you don't like any one of those artists, then you may not like this song - but it's candy to my ears.

Monday, March 30, 2009


branch, originally uploaded by ddenison1.

And another.  (and again - to view the full size photo click on it, then click "all sizes" right above the picture)

Also, here's a song that I've been listening to a good bit lately: Jose Gonzalez - Crosses.


boringpic, originally uploaded by ddenison1.

I haven't had time recently to take any pictures. So here's a few old ones from earlier this winter.

They're rather boring. I know.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Matt and Kim

So the music blog that I have linked on the right (the world forgot) recently posted a band that is, seemingly paradoxically, somewhat annoying yet oddly addictive.

Billy, who writes that blog, describes their music saying, "it sounds like eight bit Nintendo soundtracks mashed together with dance beats, happiness, and whatever smiles sound like."  I found that to be a satisfyingly accurate description.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

More trees

DSC_0051-edit, originally uploaded by ddenison1.

I posted this before, but I didn't like the quality. So here it is again.

Also, to view the full size of any of my pictures, click on them, then click "all sizes."


DSC_0014-edit, originally uploaded by ddenison1.

More trees.


DSC_0015-edit, originally uploaded by ddenison1.

So I'm now hosting all of my photos on flickr, so they should be a better quality now.

However, now I have to post all the photos in individual posts. But that's not that big of a deal.

Here's a picture of a truck and a tree.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

More Music

I know, I claim to be a photography blog.  Whatever.

So I went to the Anathallo concert last night.  Phenomenal.  I was elevated to a state of euphoria for the entire show.  They had a guy open for them who was incredible.  His name is Sam Amidon, and he plays a lot of traditional appalachian folk songs.  Here's one song of his called Saro.  and here's a live song of his, Wild Bill Jones.

Here's a video of Anathallo live.  It's their song Kasa No Hone.  Now imagine an entire show just like that.  craziness I tell you.

I won't go any further into it and let you listen it for yourself.  But to experience it, you really had to be there.

The show was life changing.