Saturday, February 28, 2009

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

it's a fairly trendy movie - yes - but that doesn't make it any less good.

i watched it about a week ago, and a certain song really caught my attention.  it was used as he was recollecting his childhood.  Maybe it's because I can't help detaching it from the sentiment of the movie, but there's an odd reminiscent quality about it.  The movie used it as it was trying to illustrate the wonder of childhood, and a sadness that we'll never have that innocence again. That's still the way I feel when I listen to the song.  

So here is the song Peer Pressure by Jon Brion.

And I found this cool remix that I kinda like too.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ocean and Trees

Here's some photos I took this past fall.  I was going to post a few more but I'm really noticing that blogger is washing out a lot of the color.  I had originally started the blog because that's what facebook was doing (not to mentioned they shrink the size of the photos dramatically).  A few of the photos I wanted to post have really strong fall colors, and so would lose their effect if I posted them here.  Thus I may begin hosting photos on flickr and then linking to them here just so the pictures stay lookin good.

And here's a song by Anathallo.  I'm actually going to see them live next Tuesday!  They're great. Really.  If you like them, you should definitely check out their album Canopy Glow - it's unreal. Anathallo - Cafetorium.

Monday, February 23, 2009


So this isn't a picture I took, just one that I found (which might mean this is copyright infringement).  But it's terribly endearing.  

I don't know about you - but I've always wanted to hug a panda...

and here's a song I that I'm rather partial to.  It's a Belgian electronica band, but they have Ben Gibbard singing vocals - so it's basically a Postal Service song.  Styrofoam - Couches in Alleys

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Some fun with photoshop

So I've been messing around on photoshop for a bit.  It's kinda fun.

NOTE:  Sorry for the massive size of the photos.  Having already spent a lot of time on photoshop, I really don't feel like going back to resize the images as well.

I know this one looks really dumb, but it was at least fun to make.

GCSA Campaign Photos

So on Saturday I took some pictures for my friend Matt Percuoco's GCSA campaign.  Paulo Valaci is his running mate.

I also have to give special credit to Erika Diaz who helped me out tremendously with the shoot.

NOTE: After having published the pictures, it looks like blogger has really washed out a lot of the colors.  The originals aren't really that bad - just so you know.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Photoshop Experimentation

So, I recently became the proud owner of photoshop.  However, I also have little/no experience with the program.  So I've been fiddling around here and there, but never really worked on changing a photo.  While looking over my previous photo post, I decided that I really didn't like the one with the chairs - the background just seemed way too overexposed.  So using my meager skills, I tried to tweak the photo a bit.

But before we get started, here's a song that I really enjoy.  It's odd really - it's a full ten minutes without much variation to the melody, but I love it.  It may be the lyrics, but there's also a just certain quality about it.  So, here you go: Iron and Wine - the Trapeze Swinger.

This is the before picture:

This is the after picture.  The changes are meant to be subtle - but the sky is slightly bluer, and the colors of the forest aren't quite as washed out.  Unfortunately, there wasn't much I could do for the buildings in the background; they were so blown out there was nothing to salvage.

So you have all been witness to my first (and rather boring) photoshop project.  It may not seem like I accomplished much, but that literally took me a couple hours of work.   Hopefully soon I can be a bit more expedient with my photo edits, and post some more dramatic and interesting projects.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hymn - O God Beyond all Praising

Here's a hymn that I can't stop listening to.  Christ Church played it during their All Soul's service, and it was phenomenal.  Ok, so it's not a picture, i know, but it's my blog - I do what I want!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

mishmash of this and that.

So there's really no cohesiveness to this post - just a bunch of random pictures at random times in random places.

And to tantalize your ears, here's a song by the vines that I'm rather partial to.  While not a huge fan of the band, I think I like it just because I really like acoustic covers.



If you look closely, the lady on the right is staring right at me.  - awkward.

Niagara Falls.  To me it looks like they're reaching the end of the world  - just a silly blue hooded cult committing mass suicide.  (and in my mind I hear tiny little screams as they plummet over the edge)

If you weren't already aware, I'm actually a voyeur.  These ladies had no idea (nor do they know they are now internet celebrities).

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rockport Winter

So there was another snowstorm this past week, thus I decided to venture through the tumultuous weather to Rockport, a coastal town just north of my school, to take some pictures.

I'm not going to post a whole series (to be honest, most of it sucked - I'll blame it on the lighting) but here's a few shots from it.  If you didn't notice, I was really into circles that day.

And for your musical pleasure, here's Damien Rice - Prague. The song just seemed to fit in my opinion.  And sorry for the awkward video - I'm just trying to get you good free music to listen to.